Our Exterior Trim Painting Services
Over time even the highest quality painted surfaces still lose their attractiveness under external influences, so they must be put in order by updating the decorative coating.
Almost every building requires restoration over time and painting the trim is the final stage of this process. It updates the appearance and protects against various external influences, such as ultraviolet radiation, moisture and high and low temperatures.
High-quality painting minimizes the risk of damage to walls by mold and fungi and the deposition of salts and chemical compounds. This is especially true after complex repair work is carried out due to destroying the previous finishing layer. We have the experience and professional skills to ensure your home looks fresh and attractive after trim painting services. We aim to provide high-quality work while respecting all your wishes and budget.
Next we will tell you about our finishing and trim painting services:
- Window trim
- Brackets
- Fascia
- Ornate wood accents
- Dentils
- Door trim
- Shutters
Nowadays employing natural and natural shades for trimming private houses is in fashion. Pastel colors such as light gray, beige, light blue, and shades of green and brown are considered fashionable. Bright colors like red, yellow, blue and green are also popular.
This task usually needs a ladder, a sturdy base, and a stable hand with a paintbrush. This fairly labor-intensive project should be completed in fine weather and using special paint.
Based on experience, painting the outside of a wooden house is necessary approximately every 5-8 years.