Custom Marble Sculptures & Statues

Marble is a standard of impeccability, reliability, durability, and eternity. The stone, which is the subject of legends and epics today, was used in ancient times to produce various interior and exterior design elements and statues of great people and gods from Olympus.
To this day, custom marble statue is often used in the manufacture of interior items and elements and the decoration of building facades. It is also very often used to make sculptures that decorate garden and park alleys, areas near private houses or cottages, and public places.

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Monumental Sculptures

What is a monumental sculpture? Each of you may have seen it on the streets of our city, in parks, in places that are the main attractions of our city. If you want to order the production of a monumental sculpture, you probably realize that it cannot be just small in size — it is most often large. It represents an interesting and unique architectural idea.

What architectural examples are included in the concept of monumental architecture:

  • statues and steles, 
  • monuments and rostral columns, 
  • obelisks and triumphal arches, 
  • columns, and gates.

They are only a small fraction of the bright representatives of monumental sculpture. By choosing a sample for yourself, you can get acquainted with the assortment in more detail on the pages of our website.

A monumental sculpture will be an excellent decoration for your facades and exteriors of buildings. It is often used to create a unique exterior of public buildings. You can order a monumental sculpture to decorate your gardens, lawns, and even parks. These sculptures are memorable; they evoke admiration and even some awe.

Garden Sculptures

Garden sculptures have been and will be fashionable garden decorations. Just as many centuries ago, they were a sign of good taste and high status for their owners. The very idea that in the talented and skillful hands of a master, a shapeless stone has turned into a work of art is fascinating.

Garden sculptures are made of solemn white marble, a playful combination of multi-colored marble, strict granite, and other natural stones. A marble sculpture depicting a beautiful goddess or an animal will decorate your garden or interior, give it individuality, and become its calling card. In turn, granite sculptures will emphasize the style and character of the owner. Marble sculptures will bring pleasure to you, your children, and your grandchildren for many decades since the first signs of aging on white marble can appear only after 150 years.

Interior Sculptures

A marble sculpture in the interior is not just beautiful decor. Such an item speaks of the owner’s high taste and emphasizes his individuality and style.

Quite recently, sculptures were the personification of antiquity and romanticism. Today, such accessories can complement any style direction. Each composition is a unique masterpiece, a work of art, completing the interior idea. But it must be used wisely so as not to disrupt the character of the interior

Upgrade your house with marble statues

Marble sculpture combines the sophistication of forms and textures, allowing the sculptor to achieve amazing visual effects that delight connoisseurs. This is a direct opportunity to touch eternity, an excellent choice for interior decoration, and an investment in the future. Marble sculptures, including marble statues, are made according to the customer’s sketches and samples or can be developed in our sculpture workshop. Exclusive author’s works are designed and embodied in any stone upon the customer’s request. A wide range of manufactured products includes marble busts, sculptures of people in marble, animals in stone, exclusive garden sculptures in marble, monumental sculptures made of marble, and marble statues.

Reasons to order from Sculptor Michael Levchenko

Stoneworks made by Michael Levchenko will organically fit into the landscape design of a country house, be it marble statues of lions, stone panels, or other abstract stylized figures. Marble products will carry specific, in-depth content and reflect the owner’s outfits and tastes. By purchasing or ordering sculptures from Michael Levchenko, you become the owner of an expressive and emotional decoration, an unusual miracle made of natural stone. All marble sculptures have artistic value since a professional in this environment creates them.

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